A Teacher Ready for Action
The Story of the Teacher Who Made a Difference In Our Lives
Most of us can share a story of a teacher who made a difference in our lives; one who left a lasting impression. Sometimes, it's simply a fond memory, a kind smile, or a funny story. But for some, the impact is life-changing.
A Lifelong Learner’s Love of Teaching
At 80 years young, you are likely to find Linda Pantoja traveling the world, swimming, spending time outside – and ultimately - always learning.
While the pandemic and a hip replacement have slowed life down, her love of learning continues to grow.
Substitute teachers are in high demand as coronavirus cases rise
Substitute teachers are in high demand as coronavirus cases rise. Read the full story »
Covid-19 Vaccination Questions & Answers
Free ASU Training for the New Virtual Learning Environment
Educational Services Inc (ESI) and Arizona State University’s Prep Digital program are proud to announce a professional development program aimed at preparing substitute teachers for the new virtual learning environment. The digital boot camps are broken into three sections that last only an hour each day. They’re set to occur on January 5th, 6th, and 7th from 4-5pm, and they are free to attend. Teachers can register here: https://www.asuprepdigital.org/training/
Angela to the Rescue
For three years, Angela Jaynes has been the saving grace of Bridges Elementary School in the Higley Unified School District. If a teacher calls in sick, needs an extra pair of hands, or just wants 15 minutes to themselves, Angela is there to pick up the slack – and she is always there.
Whether she's filling in for a first-grade teacher or a lunch aide, Angela has it covered. She's a jack-of-all-trades, holding a full-time sub position through ESI.
Districts Get Creative to Support Substitutes
Unless you are a teacher or a school administrator, you may not know how vital substitutes are for the well-being of classrooms.
One of the many lessons learned from the pandemic is having an engaged pool of substitutes makes a tremendous difference in every school district's ability to provide a quality education.
Statewide Learning Model Tracker
This helpful resource is provided by the Arizona Department of Education. Their Statewide Tracker provides a simple list of each district’s learning model - hybrid, in-person or distance. You can find it here: https://www.azed.gov/covid-19/learning-model-tracker
Visit the AZ Dept of Ed Learning Model Tracker
Professional Development Opportunity
Thriving as a K-12 Substitute Teacher in Today's Virtual Environment
We are pleased to announce ASU Prep Digital’s Arizona Virtual Teacher Institute will generously provide a valuable FREE professional development opportunity exclusively for ESI employees.