
A New Way to Salute You, Substitutes

It's that extra something educators have, and it starts with empathy.

What makes a teacher great? What's the common thread between you and your colleagues? It takes a special person like you to do this sometimes tough, always important job and we want to salute the extraordinary ways you impact your students and communities.

What's the common thread between you and your education colleagues? It starts with empathy.


We're Proud To Be a Part of Arizona Education

You may not know you are a part of something big in education here in Arizona. Whether you are a return-to-work retiree, a full time substitute or just occasionally take a substitute assignment, your contribution makes a difference to students and the community. ESI is proud to have you as a member of our family and we'd like to celebrate some of the remarkable numbers you help create.

Covid-19 Vaccination Questions & Answers

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Free ASU Training for the New Virtual Learning Environment

Educational Services Inc (ESI) and Arizona State University’s Prep Digital program are proud to announce a professional development program aimed at preparing substitute teachers for the new virtual learning environment. The digital boot camps are broken into three sections that last only an hour each day. They’re set to occur on January 5th, 6th, and 7th from 4-5pm, and they are free to attend. Teachers can register here:

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