
Substitute Resource Materials from the Desk of Dr. Robert Morse...

As a new team member at ESI, I wanted to build a sense of empathy for our SubSource employees by better understanding the experiences you are having when interacting with our ESI support team, and when fulfilling a subbing position at a school site. One of my first projects was the implementation of a SubSource employee satisfaction survey.  Much to the surprise of our leadership team, we received over 1,800 responses from all of you.  Incredible! There are two newly developed teacher resources that are evidence of how the results from the employee survey are making a difference.


Covid-19 Vaccination Questions & Answers

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Free ASU Training for the New Virtual Learning Environment

Educational Services Inc (ESI) and Arizona State University’s Prep Digital program are proud to announce a professional development program aimed at preparing substitute teachers for the new virtual learning environment. The digital boot camps are broken into three sections that last only an hour each day. They’re set to occur on January 5th, 6th, and 7th from 4-5pm, and they are free to attend. Teachers can register here:

ESI's Andy Shirk speaks with Sarah McCraren and Jeremy Neis in this Business Radio X podcast

Andy has had many years advising in the Phoenix valley before leading to his current role with ESI. Sarah McCraren and Jeremy Neis interview Andy about the journey that he has had with Conscious Capitalism and how that journey let him to his role with ESI. ESI is about more than just placing substitute teachers in needed roles. Through the conversation, as well as the Conscious Capitalism Stakeholder image in the background of Andy’s office, we are able to gain an insight on the company and how they align with the CCAZ movement.

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