
Educator Appreciation: Part 1

This school year was packed with so many fun times, and great memories despite all of the challenges of the last few months. We can’t wait to get back next year!

The end of the year forced us to rethink the way we work together, the way we teach, and the way we stay engaged with our communities during this tough time. It’s amazing that as educators, we can have so much influence on the communities around us. 

While all of our partners have gone above and beyond, we wanted to share a few of the many examples out there...


ESI hosts inaugural Substitute Symposium!

The Substitute Symposium, held on July 25th, 2018, brought together district HR personnel to collaborate on the best practices for supporting and managing substitutes. It was a day of professional learning and networking that was both informative and enjoyable. Thank you to all who attended. Our team will continue to serve you and we wish you all the best in the upcoming school year!

Telemundo Arizona covers our Guatemala Education Delegation Luncheon!

ESI sponsored this event to celebrate opportunities for students and teachers through an international teacher exchange program. The program will bring teachers from Guatemala and Mexico to teach at Arizona schools.

The Guatemalan Vice Minister of Education, leaders of Guatemala’s University of San Carlos and University of the Valley (del Valle), and the CEO of Hope of Life Guatemala were all special guests of the event held on July 10 at Phoenix Elementary School District #1.

ESI Employees Taking Advantage of Onsite Professional Development

To further extend ESI employees' professional growth opportunities, we've created an onsite program to complement our online Substitute Success 7 modules. Substitute teachers in Isaac School District are the first to participate in the program, which consists of fourteen 90-minute classroom sessions during the year, with each one expanding on one of the online modules.

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